- Cluster Cosmology
galaxy cluster cosmology
- Cluster Ysz Sims
Check the cluster Ysz - Mass relation and the SPT-SN - mass relation
- sn_to_y500
Convert SN from filtered map to Y500
- Clusters Clustering
Clustering + Number counts (Annalisa Paper) Clustering papers (and forecasts): - Correlation on large scales
We want to measure the existence of possible anisotropies in the SPT maps in the directions defined by the major and minor axis of the BCG for the SPT clusters.
We selected all the BCGs from R12 sample (134 used here) and in particular the angle theta which defines the major axis of the BCG....
- Magneticum Mass Function
We use the Magneticum simulations to calibrate a cluster mass function that accounts for baryons.
- PaperJournals
Collections of papers people interested in
- running stellar locus on VLT
Rough notes on how to run stellar locus on VLT images
Here are some rough notes on how SLR is run on VLT FORS2 images
- SPT 2500d cosmology
I provide some overview over the analysis of the SPT 2500d sample.
- SPT Mass Calibration
Cosmological analysis of the SPT R13 sample using velocity dispersions and Xray Yx's
- xi2mass
Based on Gurvan's mass calibration code I calculate the bias corrected mass given xi and redshift.
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