Link to columns in SLR file » History » Version 2
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Shantanu Desai, 03/30/2013 08:31 PM
Link to columns in SLR file¶
As of March 2013
1 tilename
2 coadd_objects_id
3 RA
5,6 mag_model and err
7,8 mag_auto and err
9,10 used to be mag_psf and err (now detmodel)
11,12 mag_petro and err
13,14 mag_aper_3 and err
15 flags
16 class_star
17 spread_model
18 spread_model_err
19,20 mag_model and err
21,22 mag_auto and err
23,24 mag_psf and err (det model)
25,26 mag_petro and err
27,28 mag_aper_3 and err
29 flags
30 class_star
31 spread_model
32 spread_model_err
33,34 mag_model and err
35,36 mag_auto and err
37,38 mag_psf and err (detmodel now)
39,40 mag_petro and err
41,42 mag_aper_3 and err
43 flags
44 class_star
45 spread_model
46 spread_model_err
47,48 mag_model and err
49,50 mag_auto and err
51,52 mag_psf and err (detmodel now)
53,54 mag_petro and err
55,56 mag_aper_3 and err
57 flags
58 class_star
59 spread_model
60 spread_model_err