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Shantanu Desai, 12/06/2012 09:20 PM


This can be divided into 3 steps

run modelfitting photometry

you can find the scripts at /big/users/shantanu/VLTmfp/catalogs/ (for b band and so on)

note that since initial catalogs will be uncalibrated , use -mag_zeropoint for b,I and z bands.
The zeropoints for HST bands is :
F606W 26.493mag, F814W 25.947mag

Izeropoint.png (14.4 KB) Shantanu Desai, 12/21/2012 11:49 AM

plotslrfit.png (12.6 KB) Shantanu Desai, 12/21/2012 02:16 PM

slrhisto.png (15.2 KB) Shantanu Desai, 12/21/2012 02:17 PM

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