



User documentation

Quick Guide to USM

10/17/2012 10:32 PM

Here is a summary of settings around the USM and group.

Library and Publisher

There are several ways to download the published version of papers.

usm wire connection via proxy

LMU libray

Need LMU account

PhD program and institute identity

09/25/2013 08:19 AM

Here are recommendations from Joe on the PhD program and institute identity.

I followed up with Herr Emmer about this issue of choosing "Astronomie Promotion" or "Physik Promotion" He told me that most students from USM appear in Astronomie but that it is your choice. The choice of physics or astronomy has no impact on the form of the degree (which is a Physics PhD from LMU) or the nature of the defense. I guess it's an internal LMU classification.


09/25/2013 08:20 AM

PhD Rules

06/13/2014 08:17 AM

This document is conversation with Fau Podolski.

Contact person: Frau Barbara Podolski

attached I am sending you the documents that are required when you submit your thesis.

- The first file does include a list of everything you'll have to bring along. Item II and III have become obsolete.

Reuse Figures from journals

07/30/2014 09:43 PM


The Royal Astronomical Society has the following policy with regard to reuse of figures from RAS journals:

Requests to Reuse Figures

You are not required to obtain permission to reuse figures (including tables) for academic, educational or non-commercial research for the following material proving full acknowledgment is given to the original source including Figure Number, Title of the Article, Author, Journal Title and Volume or Issue.

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