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Veronica Strazzullo, 07/11/2017 08:14 AM

Journal Club

Time: Weekly - Thursdays, 10:15 - 11:45
Place: Seminar room - I13 - upstairs


Everybody reads the paper before the journal club! The lead person summarizes the paper, its method's and results, and leads the discussion. Good questions to ask yourself before the journal club:

  1. Why did you pick this paper?
  2. What did you like about the paper?
  3. What did you not like about this paper?

If it is your turn but you cannot make it, it is your responsibility to find a person to swap slots with!


Date Lead Person Paper
13.07.2017 Tathagata
06.07.2017 Maurilio ALMA Observations of Gas-Rich Galaxies in z~1.6 Galaxy Clusters: Evidence for Higher Gas Fractions in High-Density Environments
29.06.2017 Jörg Planck Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Cluster Mass Calibration using Hyper Suprime-Cam Weak Lensing
22.06.2017 Veronica Evidence for strong evolution in galaxy environmental quenching efficiency between z = 1.6 and z = 0.9
15.06.2017 No JC Corpus Christi
08.06.2017 Raffaella Inferring Gravitational Potentials from Mass Densities in Cluster-sized Halos
01.06.2017 Sebastian Weighing the giants- V. Galaxy cluster scaling relations
25.05.2017 No JC Ascension Day
18.05.2017 Corvin A first constraint on the average mass of ultra diffuse galaxies from weak gravitational lensing
11.05.2017 Alex Numerical simulations challenged on the prediction of massive subhalo abundance in galaxy clusters: the case of Abell 2142
04.05.2017 Nikhel Cosmological Constraints on Interacting Light Particles
27.04.2017 Maurilio A massive, quiescent galaxy at redshift of z=3.717
20.04.2017 break
13.04.2017 break
06.04.2017 cancelled
30.03.2017 No JC SPT cluster f2f
23.03.2017 Sebastian An extension of the Planck galaxy cluster catalogue
16.03.2017 Raffaella Deep spectroscopy in nearby galaxy clusters: III Orbital structure of galaxies in Abell 85
09.03.2017 Veronica Predicting Quiescence: The Dependence of Specific Star Formation Rate on Galaxy Size and Central Density at 0.5<z<2.5
02.03.2017 Corvin Improving lensing cluster mass estimate with flexion plus Gravitational shear, flexion, and strong lensing in Abell 1689
23.02.2017 cancelled
16.02.2017 Alex Redshift remapping and cosmic acceleration in dark-matter-dominated cosmological models
09.02.2017 I-Non CLUMP-3D. Three dimensional lensing and multi-probe analysis of MACS J1206.2-0847, a remarkably regular cluster
02.02.2017 Jörg Hierarchical inference of the relationship between Concentration and Mass in Galaxy Groups and Clusters
26.01.2017 Holger Lensing is Low: Cosmology, Galaxy Formation, or New Physics?
19.01.2017 Maurilio The Galaxy End Sequence
12.01.2017 Jeon Lensing Constraints on the Mass Profile Shape and Splashback Radius of Galaxy Clusters
22.12.2016 No JC Cluster Hack Days Munich
15.12.2016 No JC DES Collaboration Meeting
08.12.2016 Nikhel Fossil Evidence of AGN Feedback By Measuring the Thermal SZE with ACT
01.12.2016 Sebastian Cosmology with Galaxy Cluster Phase Spaces
24.11.2016 Matthias Effects of Completeness and Purity on Cluster Dark Energy Constraints
17.11.2016 Raffaella Velocity segregation effects in galaxy clusters at 0.4<z<1.5
10.11.2016 Veronica The evolution of star formation activity in cluster galaxies over 0.15<z<1.5
03.11.2016 Corvin Weak Lensing Mass Calibration of SPT clusters with DES SV
27.10.2016 Alex Weak Lensing Mass Calibration of redMaPPer Clusters in DES Science Verification Data
========== ======== ===========================================================================
05.04.2016 Veronica The Relation between Galaxy Structure and Spectral Type: Implications for the Buildup of the Quiescent Galaxy Population at 0.5<z<2.0
29.03.2016 No JC
22.03.2016 Corvin IDCS J1426.5+3508: Weak Lensing Analysis of a Massive Galaxy Cluster at z=1.75
15.03.2016 Matthias Constraints on cosmology and gravity from the dynamics of voids
08.03.2016 Holger The stellar-to-halo mass relation of GAMA galaxies from 100 square degrees of KiDS weak lensing data
01.03.2016 No JC (eROSITA CWG)
23.02.2016 Sebastian Evidence for dark matter interactions in cosmological precision data?
16.02.2016 Rafaella On the orbital and internal evolution of cluster galaxies
09.02.2016 Alex Galaxy Cluster Mass Estimation from Stacked Spectroscopic Analysis
02.02.2016 I-Non Detection of the Splashback Radius and Halo Assembly bias of Massive Galaxy Clusters
26.01.2016 Nikhel Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The 325 MHz Radio Luminosity Function of AGN and Star Forming Galaxies
19.01.2016 Veronica Slow quenching of star formation in OMEGAWINGS clusters: galaxies in transition in the local universe
12.01.2016 Corvin Mass calibration of galaxy clusters at redshift 0.1-1.0 using weak lensing in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 co-add
15.12.2015 Sebastian G. Covariance matrices for halo number counts and correlation functions (Sects. 1, 2.1.1, 2.2, 3, 6.1-6.3, 7)
08.12.2015 Jörg Weak-Lensing Mass Calibration of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Equatorial Sunyaev-Zeldovich Cluster Sample with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Stripe 82 Survey
16.07.2015 Daisuke Nagai Special Seminar: Cosmology and Astrophysics with Galaxy Clusters: Recent Advances and Outstanding Challenges
09.07.2015 Gráinne Stellar and total baryon mass fractions in groups and clusters since redshift 1
02.07.2015 Cancelled
25.06.2015 Jörg A Universal Model for Halo Concentrations
18.06.2015 Subha Majumdar Special Seminar: Two Topics on Cluster Physics - The End to Preheating and What is a Cool-core Cluster?
11.06.2015 I-Non LoCuSS: the near-infrared luminosity and weak-lensing mass scaling relation of galaxy clusters
04.06.2015 Corpus Christi
21.05.2015 Nikhel Constraints on the missing baryons from the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in Planck data
14.05.2015 Ascension Day
07.05.2015 Christina Star Formation and Relaxation in 379 Nearby Galaxy Clusters
30.04.2015 Sebastian The behaviour of dark matter associated with 4 bright cluster galaxies in the 10 kpc core of Abell 3827
and On the interpretation of dark matter self-interactions in Abell 3827
23.04.2015 Shantanu Missing black holes in brightest cluster galaxies as evidence for the occurrence of superkicks in nature
16.04.2015 Matthias IDCS J1426.5+3508: The Most Massive Galaxy Cluster at z>1.5
09.04.2015 BREAK
02.04.2015 BREAK
26.03.2015 Corvin Weak lensing calibration of mass bias in the RBC X-ray galaxy cluster catalog
19.03.2015 Rafaella The orbital velocity anisotropy of cluster galaxies: evolution
12.03.2015 I-Non Probing the cosmic distance-duality relation with the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect, X-ray observations and supernovae Ia
05.03.2015 Madhura CoMaLit-IV. Evolution and self-similarity of scaling relations with the galaxy cluster mass
26.02.2015 Maurilio The Evolution of Interstellar Medium Mass Probed by Dust Emission: ALMA Observations at z = 0.3-2
19.02.2015 Matthias Star Formation and Substructure in Galaxy Clusters and Dependence of the bright end of galaxy luminosity function on cluster dynamical state
12.02.2015 I-Non Chiu Planck 2015 results. XXIV. Cosmology from Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster counts
05.02.2015 Shantanu Cosmic Structure as the Quantum Interference of a Coherent Dark Wave Also link to Nature paper Also their PRL paper
29.01.2015 Joerg Cosmic variance of the galaxy cluster weak lensing signal
22.01.2015 Corvin CFHTLenS: a weak lensing shear analysis of the 3D-Matched-Filter galaxy clusters
15.01.2015 Nikhel The Contribution of Radio Galaxy Contamination to Measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Decrement in Massive Galaxy Clusters at 140 GHz with Bolocam
08.01.2015 Christina Evidence for the inside-out growth of the stellar mass distribution in galaxy clusters since z~1
18.12.2014 Alex A Measurement of the Millimeter Emission and the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect Associated with Low-Frequency Radio Sources
11.12.2014 Sebastian CFHTLenS: Weak lensing calibrated scaling relations for low mass clusters of galaxies
16.10.2014 I-Non Chiu Draft of: Evolution of the baryon composition in high mass galaxy clusters: first results from a high redshift South Pole Telescope cluster sample
17.07.2014 Shantanu Fermi-LAT Detection of Gravitational Lens Delayed Gamma-ray Flares from Blazar B0218+357 Also NASA press release
10.07.2014 Christina A new methodto measure the mass of galaxy clusters
3.07.2014 Jiayi Detection of a Supervoid Aligned with the Cold Spot of the Cosmic Microwave Background
12.06.2014 Sebastian The insignificant evolution of the richness–mass relation of galaxy clusters
5.06.2014 Alex Robust Weak-lensing Mass Calibration of Planck Galaxy Clusters
15.05.2014 Dominik An improved measurement of baryon acoustic oscillations from the correlation function of galaxy clusters at z~0.3
8.05.2014 Sebastian Impact of baryons on the cluster mass function and cosmological parameter determination
24.04.2014 Shantanu Constraining Dark Matter-Baryon Scattering with Linear Cosmology
10.04.2014 Christina On the Discrepancy between Theoretical and X-Ray Concentration-Mass Relations for Galaxy Clusters
27.03.2014 Jiayi The selection function of SZ cluster surveys
20.03.2014 Madhura Cosmology and Astrophysics from Relaxed Galaxy Clusters II: Cosmological Constraints
28.02.2014 Shantanu Is the universe simpler than Lambda CDM
21.02.2104 Alex "The effect of AGN feedback on the halo mass function":
14.02.2014 Jiayi Sunyaev–Zel’dovich clusters in Millennium gas simulations
7.02.2014 Joerg redMaPPer III: A Detailed Comparison of the Planck 2013 and SDSS DR8 RedMaPPer Cluster Catalogs
31.01.2014 I-Non CLASH-VLT: Constraints on the Dark Matter Equation of State from Accurate Measurements of Galaxy Cluster Mass Profiles
17.01.2014 Dominik The XXL Survey: Detection of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect of the Redshift 1.9 Galaxy Cluster XLSSU J021744.1-034536 with CARMA
10.01.2014 Jiayi SPT Constraints on the SZE Signatures of Low Mass Groups and Clusters
20.12.2013 Shantanu Cosmological Simulations of Multi-Component Cold Dark Matter
13.12.2013 Joerg A volume-limited sample of X-ray galaxy groups and clusters - I. Radial entropy and cooling time profiles
6.12.2013 Alex First Measurement of the Cross-Correlation of CMB Lensing and Galaxy Lensing
29.11.2013 Sebastian SPT-SZ velocity mass calibration draft

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