Paper pool » History » Version 59
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h1. Paper pool
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h2. The physics inside the scaling relations for X-ray galaxy clusters: gas clumpiness, gas mass fraction and slope of the pressure profile
S. Ettori (INAF-OA Bologna)
In galaxy clusters, the relations between observables in X-ray and millimeter wave bands and the total mass have normalizations, slopes and redshift evolutions that are simple to estimate in a self-similar scenario. We study these scaling relations and show that they can be efficiently expressed, in a more coherent picture, by fixing the normalizations and slopes to the self-similar predictions, and advocating, as responsible of the observed deviations, only three physical mass-dependent quantities: the gas clumpiness $C$, the gas mass fraction $f_g$ and the logarithmic slope of the thermal pressure profile $\beta_P$. We use samples of the observed gas masses, temperature, luminosities, and Compton parameters in local clusters to constrain normalization and mass dependence of these 3 physical quantities, and measure: $C^{0.5} f_g = 0.110 (\pm 0.002 \pm 0.002) \left( E_z M / 5 \times 10^{14} M_{\odot} \right)^{0.198 (\pm 0.025 \pm 0.04)}$ and $\beta_P = -d \ln P/d \ln r = 3.14 (\pm 0.04 \pm 0.02) \left( E_z M / 5 \times 10^{14} M_{\odot} \right)^{0.071 (\pm 0.012 \pm 0.004)}$, where both a statistical and systematic error (the latter mainly due to the cross-calibration uncertainties affecting the \cxo\ and \xmm\ results used in the present analysis) are quoted. The degeneracy between $C$ and $f_g$ is broken by using the estimates of the Compton parameters. Together with the self-similar predictions, these estimates on $C$, $f_g$ and $\beta_P$ define an inter-correlated internally-consistent set of scaling relations that reproduces the mass estimates with the lowest residuals.
h2. A Simple Physical Model for the Gas Distribution in Galaxy Clusters
Anna Patej, Abraham Loeb
The dominant baryonic component of galaxy clusters is hot gas whose distribution is commonly probed through X-ray emission arising from thermal bremsstrahlung. The density profile thus obtained has been traditionally modeled with a beta-profile, a simple function with only three parameters. However, this model is known to be insufficient for characterizing the range of cluster gas distributions, and attempts to rectify this shortcoming typically introduce additional parameters to increase the fitting flexibility. We use cosmological and physical considerations to obtain a family of profiles for the gas with fewer parameters than the beta-model but which better accounts for observed gas profiles over wide radial intervals.
h2. Brightest X-ray clusters of galaxies in the CFHTLS wide fields: Catalog and optical mass estimator
M. Mirkazemi, A. Finoguenov, M. J. Pereira, M. Tanaka, M. Lerchster, F. Brimioulle, E. Egami, K. Kettula, G. Erfanianfar, H. J. McCracken, Y. Mellier, J. P. Kneib, E. Rykoff, S. Seitz, T. Erben, J. E. Taylor
The CFHTLS presents a unique data set for weak lensing studies, having high quality imaging and deep multi-band photometry. We have initiated an XMM-CFHTLS project to provide X-ray observations of the brightest X-ray selected clusters within the wide CFHTLS area. Performance of these observations and the high quality of CFHTLS data, allows us to revisit the identification of X-ray sources, introducing automated reproducible algorithms, based on the multi-color red sequence finder. We have also introduced a new optical mass proxy. We provide the calibration of the red sequence observed in the CFHT filters and compare the results with the traditional single color red sequence and photoz. We test the identification algorithm on the subset of highly significant XMM clusters and identify 100% of the sample. We find that the integrated z-band luminosity of the red sequence galaxies correlates well with the X-ray luminosity with a surprisingly small scatter of 0.20 dex. We further use the multi-color red sequence to reduce spurious detections in the full XMM and RASS data sets, resulting in catalogs of 196 and 32 clusters, respectively. We made spectroscopic follow-up observations of some of these systems with HECTOSPEC and in combination with BOSS DR9 data. We also describe the modifications needed to the source detection algorithm in order to keep high purity of extended sources in the shallow X-ray data. We also present the scaling relation between X-ray luminosity and velocity dispersion.
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* Add papers from arXiv to the top of the list, if possible please roughly keep a uniform format - or write me an email and I'll add it.
h2. The physics inside the scaling relations for X-ray galaxy clusters: gas clumpiness, gas mass fraction and slope of the pressure profile
S. Ettori (INAF-OA Bologna)
In galaxy clusters, the relations between observables in X-ray and millimeter wave bands and the total mass have normalizations, slopes and redshift evolutions that are simple to estimate in a self-similar scenario. We study these scaling relations and show that they can be efficiently expressed, in a more coherent picture, by fixing the normalizations and slopes to the self-similar predictions, and advocating, as responsible of the observed deviations, only three physical mass-dependent quantities: the gas clumpiness $C$, the gas mass fraction $f_g$ and the logarithmic slope of the thermal pressure profile $\beta_P$. We use samples of the observed gas masses, temperature, luminosities, and Compton parameters in local clusters to constrain normalization and mass dependence of these 3 physical quantities, and measure: $C^{0.5} f_g = 0.110 (\pm 0.002 \pm 0.002) \left( E_z M / 5 \times 10^{14} M_{\odot} \right)^{0.198 (\pm 0.025 \pm 0.04)}$ and $\beta_P = -d \ln P/d \ln r = 3.14 (\pm 0.04 \pm 0.02) \left( E_z M / 5 \times 10^{14} M_{\odot} \right)^{0.071 (\pm 0.012 \pm 0.004)}$, where both a statistical and systematic error (the latter mainly due to the cross-calibration uncertainties affecting the \cxo\ and \xmm\ results used in the present analysis) are quoted. The degeneracy between $C$ and $f_g$ is broken by using the estimates of the Compton parameters. Together with the self-similar predictions, these estimates on $C$, $f_g$ and $\beta_P$ define an inter-correlated internally-consistent set of scaling relations that reproduces the mass estimates with the lowest residuals.
h2. A Simple Physical Model for the Gas Distribution in Galaxy Clusters
Anna Patej, Abraham Loeb
The dominant baryonic component of galaxy clusters is hot gas whose distribution is commonly probed through X-ray emission arising from thermal bremsstrahlung. The density profile thus obtained has been traditionally modeled with a beta-profile, a simple function with only three parameters. However, this model is known to be insufficient for characterizing the range of cluster gas distributions, and attempts to rectify this shortcoming typically introduce additional parameters to increase the fitting flexibility. We use cosmological and physical considerations to obtain a family of profiles for the gas with fewer parameters than the beta-model but which better accounts for observed gas profiles over wide radial intervals.
h2. Brightest X-ray clusters of galaxies in the CFHTLS wide fields: Catalog and optical mass estimator
M. Mirkazemi, A. Finoguenov, M. J. Pereira, M. Tanaka, M. Lerchster, F. Brimioulle, E. Egami, K. Kettula, G. Erfanianfar, H. J. McCracken, Y. Mellier, J. P. Kneib, E. Rykoff, S. Seitz, T. Erben, J. E. Taylor
The CFHTLS presents a unique data set for weak lensing studies, having high quality imaging and deep multi-band photometry. We have initiated an XMM-CFHTLS project to provide X-ray observations of the brightest X-ray selected clusters within the wide CFHTLS area. Performance of these observations and the high quality of CFHTLS data, allows us to revisit the identification of X-ray sources, introducing automated reproducible algorithms, based on the multi-color red sequence finder. We have also introduced a new optical mass proxy. We provide the calibration of the red sequence observed in the CFHT filters and compare the results with the traditional single color red sequence and photoz. We test the identification algorithm on the subset of highly significant XMM clusters and identify 100% of the sample. We find that the integrated z-band luminosity of the red sequence galaxies correlates well with the X-ray luminosity with a surprisingly small scatter of 0.20 dex. We further use the multi-color red sequence to reduce spurious detections in the full XMM and RASS data sets, resulting in catalogs of 196 and 32 clusters, respectively. We made spectroscopic follow-up observations of some of these systems with HECTOSPEC and in combination with BOSS DR9 data. We also describe the modifications needed to the source detection algorithm in order to keep high purity of extended sources in the shallow X-ray data. We also present the scaling relation between X-ray luminosity and velocity dispersion.