


Slurm » History » Version 11

Kerstin Paech, 09/19/2013 09:47 AM

1 1 Kerstin Paech
h1. How to run jobs on the euclides nodes
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Use slurm to submit jobs to the euclides nodes (node1-8), ssh login access to those nodes will be restricted in the near future.
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*Please read through this entire wikipage so everyone can make efficient use of this cluster*
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h2. alexandria
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*Please do not use alexandria as a compute node* - it's hardware is different from the nodes. It hosts our file server and other services that are important to us. 
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You should use alexandria to
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- transfer files
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- compile your code
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- submit jobs to the nodes
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If you need to debug, please start an interactive job to one of the nodes using slurm. For instructions see below.
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h2. euclides nodes
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Job submission to the euclides nodes is handled by the slurm jobmanager (see and 
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*Important: In order to run jobs, you need to be added to the slurm accounting system - please contact Kerstin*
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All slurm commands listed below have very helpful man pages (e.g. man slurm, man squeue, ...). 
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If you are already familiar with another jobmanager the following information may be helpful to you‎.
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h3. Scheduling of Jobs
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At this point there are two queues, called partitions in slurm: 
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* *normal* which is the default partition your jobs will be sent to if you do not specify it otherwise. At this point there is a time limit of
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two days. Jobs at this point can only run on 1 node.
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* *debug* which is meant for debugging, you can only run one job at a time, other jobs submitted will remain in the queue
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We have also set up a scheduler that goes beyond the first come first serve - some jobs will be favoured over others depending
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on how much you or your group have been using euclides in the past 2 weeks, how long the job has been queued and how much
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resources it will consume.
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This is serves as a starting point, we may have to adjust parameters once the slurm jobmanager is used. Job scheduling is a complex
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issue and we still need to build expertise and gain experience what are the user needs in our groups. Please feel free to speak out if
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there is something that can be improved without creating an unfair disadvantage for other users.
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You can run interactive jobs on both partitions.
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h3. Running an interactive job with slurm
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To run an interactive job with slurm in the default partition, use
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srun -u bash -i
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In case the 'normal' partition is overcrowded, to use the 'debug' partition, use:
53 9 Kerstin Paech
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srun --account cosmo_debug -p debug -u bash -i # if you are part of the Cosmology group
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srun --account euclid_debug -p debug -u bash -i  # if you are part of the EuclidDM group
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As soon as a slot is open, slurm will log you in to an interactive session on one of the nodes.
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h3. Running a simple once core batch job with slurm using the default partition
63 1 Kerstin Paech
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* To see what queues are available to you (called partitions in slurm), run:
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* To run slurm, create a myjob.slurm containing the following information:
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#SBATCH --output=slurm.out
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#SBATCH --error=slurm.err
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#SBATCH --mail-user <put your email address here>
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#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN
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#SBATCH -p normal
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* To submit a batch job use:
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sbatch myjob.slurm
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* To see the status of you job, use 
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* To kill a job use:
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scancel <jobid>
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</pre> the <jobid> you can get from using squeue.
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* For some more information on your job use
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scontrol show job <jobid>
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</pre>the <jobid> you can get from using squeue.
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h3. Running a simple once core batch job with slurm using the debug partition
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Change the partition to debug and add the appropriate account depending if you're part of
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the euclid or cosmology group.
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#SBATCH --output=slurm.out
109 10 Kerstin Paech
#SBATCH --error=slurm.err
110 10 Kerstin Paech
#SBATCH --mail-user <put your email address here>
111 10 Kerstin Paech
#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN
112 10 Kerstin Paech
#SBATCH -p debug
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#SBATCH -account [cosmo_debug/euclid_debug]
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h3. Batch script for running a multi-core job
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To run a 4 core job you can use
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#SBATCH --output=slurm.out
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#SBATCH --error=slurm.err
126 6 Kerstin Paech
#SBATCH --mail-user <put your email address here>
127 6 Kerstin Paech
#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN
128 1 Kerstin Paech
#SBATCH -n 4
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<mpirun call/pogram>
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