


Summer final results » History » Version 1

Hope Head, 07/22/2013 04:43 PM

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h1. Summer final results
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Stage 1: Creating Colored JPGs of Panstarrs Data for Planck's Unconfirmed Clusters
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All information is located in /data1/users/hhead/CLUSTER_CANDIDATE_JPEGS/ 
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Included in this directory is the that makes the jpegs, an which takes in a list of cluster IDs to mass-produce jpegs, a chart with information on each cluster (ex. if a cluster is visible or if photometric issues are present within the image), three directories named for the types of classification (NOT_CLUSTERS, POTENTIAL_CLUSTERS, and UNCERTAIN_CANDIDATES), and a README.txt to explain how to work the codes. 
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Stage 2: Source Extraction Code
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The code for making the SExtractor catalog files can be found at /home/moon/hhead/
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This code goes through the whole process of finding the images of the cluster, unpacking them, running the SExtractor script, and putting these files into a new directory. 
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Stage 3: Data Ingestion
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Before the unfortunate crash of the database, the next step before SLR could be run was using a data ingestion process. This was done using /home/moon/hhead/ 
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Stage 4: SLR
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Part 1:
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Originally, SLR was completed using the script at /home/moon/hhead/PHOT_CAL/ 
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A slight mistype in one of the options meant that many had to be redone, but shortly after beginning this process, the database crashed. Therefore, a new method had to be found to continue with the SLR process. 
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Part 2:
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A Python code was eventually found for the purposes of this project. The code is located at /home/moon/hhead/PHOT_CAL/SDSS_SLR/big-macs-calibrate/ And example of how to run this code can be found in example 3 of the README file within this same directory. In order to run this code, we had to make a columns file, a filters file (available at /home/moon/hhead/PHOT_CAL/SDSS_SLR/big-macs-calibrate/FILTERS/SDSS-?.res) , and test the boostrap option to get the best results. 
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Before this code can be run though, the script /home/moon/hhead/PHOT_CAL/SDSS_SLR/big-macs-calibrate/ must be run on the cluster. And after the SLR code is successful, the script in the same directory called must also be run for the next step. 
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Stage 5: Red-sequencer code
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This code was developed by Christina Hennig and Jiayi Liu. 
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