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Joseph Mohr, 02/27/2013 12:10 PM

1 4 Joseph Mohr
h1. LMU Cosmology and Structure Formation Group
2 1 Robert Suhada
3 4 Joseph Mohr
We are focused on topics surrounding the use of galaxy clusters for studies of cosmology and for studies of the evolution of structure.  At present we are primarily working on the SPT cluster sample, and work on the DES data is just beginning.  Longer term our focus is on eROSITA and EUCLID.
4 2 Joseph Mohr
5 2 Joseph Mohr
h2. DES Work
6 2 Joseph Mohr
7 3 Joseph Mohr
Shantanu is [[DES-SVProcessing|processing the DES-SV data]], and these data will be available for a variety of analyses.
8 2 Joseph Mohr
9 2 Joseph Mohr
10 2 Joseph Mohr
h2. Group Meetings
11 2 Joseph Mohr
12 1 Robert Suhada
[[Journal Club]]
13 2 Joseph Mohr
14 2 Joseph Mohr
h2. Conferences
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