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Shantanu Desai, 12/06/2012 09:36 PM

1 1 Shantanu Desai
h1. Wiki
2 1 Shantanu Desai
3 2 Shantanu Desai
This can be divided into 3 steps
4 2 Shantanu Desai
5 3 Shantanu Desai
h2. Step 1 run modelfitting photometry
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you can find the scripts at /big/users/shantanu/VLTmfp/catalogs/ (for b band and so on)
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9 2 Shantanu Desai
note that since initial catalogs will be uncalibrated , use -mag_zeropoint for b,I and z bands.
10 1 Shantanu Desai
The zeropoints for HST bands is :
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F606W 26.493mag, F814W 25.947mag.
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the sextractor param file used in the scripts is 
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you can edit to remove params you don't need.
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h2. Produce a matched catalog across all 4 bands
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This is the most tedious step.  Unfortunately you cannot run sextractor in dual image mode
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since coadds are of different size.
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The way I did it was to run a modified version of a code 
21 3 Shantanu Desai
used in DESDM called coadd_grabmatches. I first ran it to match R vs I band and then used
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that match catalog to match against z band and so on.
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A code to do this is at /home/moon/shantanu/desdm/devel/ImageProc/trunk/src/coadd_grabmatches_singleband.c
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There is one line in the code (below # 266) which needs to be changed depending upon number of coluns
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in input catalog.
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Once this is done you need to make a file with the matched magnitudes in all four bands
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(its possible to automate this script with some effort so that it does not need to be changed)
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h3. Doing the stellar locus
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One you have the catalogs all you need to do is to do a fit by eye or quantitative to SED fits provided by Joerg.
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Here is my 2nd order polynomial  curve fit done to these relations
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1) b-R vs R-I
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b -R = -0.2904*x^2+1.319x +0.2941
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(where x=R-I)
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2) R-I vs I -z
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R-I = -1.016*x^2+ 3.532*x +0.1294
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where x=I-z
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3) b-R vs I-z
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R-I = -2.20378*x^2+ 3.96368*x +0.386878
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I did the plotting in ROOT, but probably it can be done in any software.
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