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Code verification using Tijmen's mock catalogs - Strategy

06/28/2013 02:03 PM

Tijmen provided 10 mock catalogs covering 2500 deg^2 containing SZ as well as X-ray Yx data.

Remember: In our approach, the number counts only use SZ data and the clusters' redshifts. The SZ scaling relation parameters are calibrated through direct comparison with Xray and/or velocity dispersion mass observables.

Code verification using Tijmen's mock catalogs - Results

07/09/2013 07:31 AM

Previous passed tests

  • I tested the mass calibration (fixed cosmology and no number counts) on several catalogs. The input values were recovered within 1 sigma.


Here I present the result of the analysis of Tijmen's mock catalogs. Details about the code verification can be found here

Results (real data) - LCDM

07/18/2013 10:12 AM

Results for flat LCDM cosmology - contour plots can be found below

Constraints without the CMB, BAO, SNIa

This is useful to understand the constraining power of galaxy cluster cosmology. It also serves as a cross check of the compatibility of Yx and velocity dispersion mass calibration.

Results (real data) - wCDM

08/06/2013 07:56 AM

Results for flat LCDM cosmology - contour plots can be found below


It seems like my cluster constraints are not tight enough compared to Brad's. This could be due to the additional distance information included in the Yx profiles. I will check as soon as the profile fitting is available and ready.


08/06/2013 08:30 AM

Contour plots: gammaCDM.pdf

nuCDM - Constraints on neutrino mass

08/06/2013 08:54 AM


Using CMB+BAO+SNIa+H0 I obtain the results that I should. However, when adding the clusters the PMC does not converge any more. So, I started different tests to understand what is happening.

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